By Todd Cavanaugh

Have you ever turned off your computer at 6:00 pm and wondered where one or more of your company vehicles were? Have you ever looked in amazement at the fuel cost line in the monthly finance report? Have you ever wondered why there are so many customer complaints about service response time? Putting a GPS device in each vehicle and initiating fleet tracking takes the guesswork out of business management.

Whether your fleet consists of company cars for executives and sales force members or of long-haul tractor trailers (or something in between), you can equip each vehicle with a GPS tracking device for as little as $300. Once these devices are connected to a fleet tracking system, you can send and receive information by satellite. This system will give your managers the tool they need to succeed and deliver the savings that will directly and immediately impact your bottom line.

Among the results you can achieve with fleet tracking are:

- Less time spent on paperwork by drivers, managers, accounting and payroll.

- Reduce billing and payroll errors.

- More efficient routes and speeds resulting in lower mileage and lower fuel expense.

- Eliminate extra stops.

- More efficient routing and driving reduces idling times.

- Ability to redirect the closest vehicle with fleet tracking for urgent needs.

- Eliminate personal use of company vehicles.

- Eradication of employee fraud.

- Enhance good driving habits for safety and fuel economy.

- Help police locate and recover stolen vehicles with fleet tracking.

- Rapid recovery of stolen vehicles.

- Improve product and service delivery.

- Ability to define key performance indicators for drivers and use them for employee recognition and reward.

- Possible reduction in vehicle insurance costs.

Fleet tracking will provide a myriad of standard and customized reports on vehicle history, driver history, safety statistics, economies achieved, and payroll and billing information. You can monitor the location of every vehicle in a single screen view or in greater detail. You can view vehicle status from the office or on a hand-held device from anywhere. You can even access statistical information from remote locations to help you answer customer questions or complaints, estimate costs and schedules for new clients or customers, and provide instant assistance to drivers.

A recent study by the Aberdeen Group documented a 23% increase in total number of service calls completed per day per technician in organizations with small fleets when GPS fleet tracking was installed in their vehicles. What would a 23% increase in profitability mean for your company if achieved across your entire fleet?

When a fleet tracking system can stimulate such a significant productivity increase, it also proportionately decreases overtime. When technician overtime is reduced, it also reduces the amount of overtime necessary for others, such as dispatchers, supervisors, garage staff, etc.

With driver alerts, you can also encourage safer driving and more energy efficient driving. Simply keeping the vehicles operation at 60 mph or less with fleet tracking will save money in several ways. Increasing speed, according to the US Department of Energy, from 50 to 60 mph uses 73% more horsepower. At 70 mph, that figure increases to 159%. For each mile per hour above 50, fuel consumption is increased by 1.5%. Using safe driving and fuel economy alerts will save you a huge amount on fuel and maintenance costs across the fleet.

Finally, encouraging safer and more efficient driving, using maintenance alerts and schedule monitoring, your vehicles will be serviced on schedule and will run better, while also reducing the need to have repairs made while on the road. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that just by keeping the engines optimally tuned, you can increase fuel efficiency by almost 5%. Fixing mechanical problems immediately can even improve mpg by another forty percent.

Consideration of all the ways GPS fleet tracking can help you achieve operating cost reductions and improve productivity makes it easy to see how fleet tracking takes the guesswork out of business management. Is it time to make fleet tracking part of your management team?

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