By Annie Jennings

The secrets of business success lie in rock solid principles of clients being able to know, love and trust you and by creating a powerful promotion and pubicity strategy for your business. Your clients and customers want to know your name, they certainly want you to have a good reputation and they want to feel like their money is well spent when they do business with you. They want to trust that you will deliver the outcome they are purchasing and you will stand behind your product.

Publicity outreach and promotion strategies help you stay visible to your customer base and target market. Be seen and be heard often via newspaper coverage, being on the radio as a guest expert or appearing on your local TV show as well. A good publicity and promotion strategy has your business everywhere, at all times. And be sure to include and internet campaign as well so when people google for services or professionals, your business comes up for them.

Treat each client fairly and with respect. You will soon earn a reputation of being a good solid business. Never underestimate the power of word of mouth both good and bad. The more your clients love you because of their great experience with you, the more people they will tell. When they are asked about working with you or buying your products they will have great things to say about you. However, the reserve is true with a bad experience. You can be sure they will tell everyone about the horrible thing that happened to them. So, take good care of your customers and be sure every aspect of your business model supports treating your customers like royalty.

Educate your clients with additional services that can help them make choices for themselves. Remember, the days of selling snake oil are over. You have to offer products or services that deliver the outcome for your client. No one likes the hard sell and it makes them not trust you. Adopt a philosophy and be consistent in your messages to your marketing. Keep your publicity, promotion and marketing strong, creative, message oriented and again, consistent.

Experience outstanding success in your business by including the principles of solid strategy along with customer appreciation. If your clients know, love and trust you, they will happily use your services and refer you to others.

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