Your bills are going through the roof and you need to know how the heck you can cut down on the costs you have monthly so you turn to your cell phone. So now you are asking how I spend less on my cell phone. Here are some tips to help you do just that.
Are you an app junkie? Do you crave the latest application on your phone because it is just too cool? The fact is you will have to elicit some self control in your app purchasing and not download the latest thing that everyone else has, you just don't need it.
If you have a GPS in your car you might not need it on your phone. You like to look up factoids about sports trivia but can you live without it? These are little things that add up to a higher bill. If you want to cut down on costs you may have to go without downloading a song or a game to stay in budget.
Have you bundled your phones if you have more than one? This is smart and keeps your minutes under control. If you have kids that eat the minutes set a limit. If they break it take their phone. After the screaming stops they need to realize that it is an expense and they need to help stay in budget too. Teaching them good spending habits is part of your job as a parent.
If a plan is just too much for you and you are sinking get out of your contract. Pay the fee and let the contract go and get a pre-paid phone. It may not be your first choice but it may be the necessary choice. You need to a hold of your budget and keep your bills paid to maintain a good credit rating.
Many times insurance on a phone is not necessary. Unless you have cause to have your phone insured you may be able to go without the monthly cost. Save the money in the bank if you need to replace your phone in your emergency fund instead of paying it to the provider. You can spend less on your cell phone service if you cut down on monthly expenses to stay in budget.
Are you an app junkie? Do you crave the latest application on your phone because it is just too cool? The fact is you will have to elicit some self control in your app purchasing and not download the latest thing that everyone else has, you just don't need it.
If you have a GPS in your car you might not need it on your phone. You like to look up factoids about sports trivia but can you live without it? These are little things that add up to a higher bill. If you want to cut down on costs you may have to go without downloading a song or a game to stay in budget.
Have you bundled your phones if you have more than one? This is smart and keeps your minutes under control. If you have kids that eat the minutes set a limit. If they break it take their phone. After the screaming stops they need to realize that it is an expense and they need to help stay in budget too. Teaching them good spending habits is part of your job as a parent.
If a plan is just too much for you and you are sinking get out of your contract. Pay the fee and let the contract go and get a pre-paid phone. It may not be your first choice but it may be the necessary choice. You need to a hold of your budget and keep your bills paid to maintain a good credit rating.
Many times insurance on a phone is not necessary. Unless you have cause to have your phone insured you may be able to go without the monthly cost. Save the money in the bank if you need to replace your phone in your emergency fund instead of paying it to the provider. You can spend less on your cell phone service if you cut down on monthly expenses to stay in budget.
About the Author:
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