By Larry Hoperty

One of the top GPS companies is Mio and they make devices that are trendier than some of the ones from other manufacturers. GPS devices are very popular with the younger crowd and they gravitate toward units that look stylish and cool. With the advancement of GPS technology, more and more people use it and GPS units are now commonplace wherever you go.

Garmin is the leading maker of GPS devices and has the biggest share of the market. They have the most recognizable name and their units are quite reliable. It is hard to find them on sale though as this company is trying to protect its name from ever being considered a discount brand.

As people think of new uses for GPS technology, these devices have become more popular. They are still a bit on the expensive side but people who use them don't seem to mind. All the newer units now come with a directional system that includes voice directions that is very easy to use in a car. This is one of the new features that have helped increase their popularity.

If you want to buy a new unit you can get them online at many different websites and you can also find them in most electronics stores. The best deals can usually be found online though, as it is easy to search and find out where the sales are. Unfortunately, there are not too many instances that you can get a meaningful discount. GPS units are still rather new to consumers and the companies figure they don't have to put them on sale.

GPS devices now have all sorts of extra little things that make them more advanced than the older models but you want to make sure you don't pay for something more expensive than what you really need. GPS units are now quite common place in cars but you might want to get one with sound instructions as that is the safest for someone who is driving. If you feel you need a GPS unit, try to find one that will satisfy your needs for a long time because they are still rather pricey.

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