By Lizzy Hatpail

There are a lot of good things about pink mobile phones. These advantages hold true even if pink is not your favorite color. For example, when electronic accessories are first produced they come in a limited set of colors (think black). More colors become available only after the product becomes popular. A cell phone that comes in pink is probably a widespread model that should be easy to replace if you happen to break it.

Pink stands out against other colors. Losing a cell phone can be very painful, but when it pops out against your eye you can find it easily. Even though young girls like pink you won't find it used to decorate a lot of living rooms

Pink is associated with a younger crowd. Most likely, a cell phone that comes in that color would be designed by the manufacturer to withstand more punishment. This is because children and teenagers tend to be more careless.

Pink is a lighter shade of red, which is the color most often used for warnings such as stop signs or traffic lights. Having a pink phone may help discourage you from overusing your phone. While this might help if you are close to running out of minutes, it can also prevent you from making calls that may seem trivial but are actually important. For example, if you are almost positive that you're having dinner with someone at a certain time but not completely sure, you might keep from calling because the color of your cell phone seems too threatening. Since pink has a bit of white mixed in, it will seem safer to make the call and find out that indeed dinner was at a different restaurant.

Without being a fashion professional, it's easy to see that pink cell phones are very fashionable. Having too many cell phones and matching that cell phone with everything you have in your wardrobe or your lipstick doesn't seem like a good use of time.

There's a famous poem by Gelett Burgess that starts out, "I never saw a purple cow, I never hope to see one." Before I did the research for this article, I would have put pink mobile phones in the "purple cow" category. But now that I've seen how useful a pink mobile phone can be, I'm taking them off my "purple cow" list. Someday, I actually hope to see one. But I still agree with the last line of Burgess' poem: "I'd rather see than be one.

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