By Haven Frbiz

Microsoft's chief operating officer Kevin Turner said, Windows Vista SP2 will be the most secure of all operating system operating system. A few days ago, Turner said very categorically, Vista SP2 will be more than its competitors - the open source Linux and Apple Mac OS X Leopard has many advantages. However, Vista SP2 for the security, he did not elaborate in detail, but expressed their views. At the same time, Microsoft's COO also shows that the next generation client operating system, Windows 7, will be more than the security of Linux and Leopard.

Turner Road, the statement: "Now, Vista has entered the stage of SP2, it is by far the most secure Windows history, the most reliable operating system. At the same time, compared to open-source Linux and Apple Mac OS X Leopard, Vista SP2 is the most safe. Of course, we are about to launch Windows 7 will be Vista SP2 using the same security framework, but also in no way inferior to Linux and Leopard. "

At the same time, Turner also said that in the development of the first generation of Vista, the Microsoft's betting a lot of staff effort. In Vista when entering the market, the reality is cruel, at the beginning of the 18-24 on the Microsoft is a very unfavorable terms. But Why? It is because in order to ensure the safety of the system, and Microsoft in Vista to add a lot of restrictions, resulting in user inconvenience and compatibility problems.

In fact, Microsoft has not officially launched the RTM version of Vista SP2, Vista SP2 is in the current RC version. Microsoft's chief operating officer of Turner did not disclose the RTM of Vista SP2 and GA (agent) is detailed, he is focusing on Windows Vista SP2's security, has been greatly improved.

All along, due to Windows Vista security is too high, leading to software compatibility and hardware / driver support has been greatly hindered. Generally speaking, in the well after the failure of Windows Vista, Microsoft will make Windows 7 a very significant improvement. However, the same way, Windows XP users who want to completely move to Windows 7 is also not an easy task.

Turner added: "In Windows 7, we have by reducing the User Account Control, breaking a lot of compatibility constraints. We believe that Windows 7 will be an indelible Windows Vista brought to our grief. From the compatibility in terms of , as long as they can with the Windows Vista-compatible programs and hardware will be compatible with Windows 7. "

Finally, on the Microsoft side, the most important task now is to Windows XP users to Windows Vista or Windows 7 in the past. Turner said that Microsoft has made in this regard a lot of deployment, Microsoft will continue to provide support for Windows XP, but the next two years, Windows XP has 12 years of age had. Therefore, from the security, reliability and power management to see the point of view, had to swap the end of Windows XP.

Windows XP released in 2001 from Turner said there is still a 12-year time lag, but compared to Vista and Windows 7, XP is the lack of security and power management performance.

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